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Wedding Favors Buying Making Your Own

So everything had been booked and invitations sent, now is the time to sit back and have a bit of fun. Wedding Favors are great fun to make yourself especially if you are a little bit arty and like making things yourself. Wedding favors date back may years and are a small gift given by the bride and groom to their guests as a token of appreciation on this their special day.

Traditionally the Wedding Favor consisted of 5 almonds usually given in a small trinket box to signify (Wealth Health Happiness Longevity and Fertility) Nowadays there is no set way of what you do for the wedding favor anything goes. However before you get carried away remember that the wedding favor is usually placed on the table where each person is sitting, so we do not want anything to large. So first you need to decide on whether you are going to make them yourself or buy them ready made.

If you have chosen ready made wedding favors then any good wedding shop will have a vast array of choice, so book yourself a day out with some friends and trawl the shops I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If you are going to make the wedding favors yourself then you need to sit down and decide what you are going to make, this can be great fun and your choice is endless, will it be trinket boxes with the traditional almonds or maybe a piece of wedding cake, or even a small present of some type. The wedding Favors do not have to be edible they could be something that can be kept by your guests for years to come. Pink ones for girls blue ones for boys maybe, remember that they are part of the table decoration so want to be in keeping with whatever else you are having on the table. There are also some lovely materials out there so maybe you could make little cloth bags that can be decorated with ribbons and flowers as these would look lovely as part of the table decorations and maybe a little easier to make that the trinket boxes. Remember you do not want anything to difficult as you may have a hundred or more to make.

Also do not leave it to late to decide on your wedding favors as you do not want to be rushed at the last minute as making them will become a chore. Decide on your wedding favors and but all the necessary equipment and then you can make a few each evening, believe me it very therapeutic.

Vicki Churchill is the owner of http://www.perfectweddingtableideas.com, a site that specializes in Wedding Favors Wedding Table Ideas, Wedding Decorations, Seating Plans & all your wedding needs.


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